Category: Essential #4: Heal the Emotional Hurts

Blog | Feb, 13 2022

Healing Your Inner Child to Enhance Your Healing Journey

We all have that “little girl” living inside of us that needs healing. Have you ever noticed that little voice inside that time-travels you back … Read More

Blog | Jan, 31 2022

Meditation Tips & Techniques To Change Your Life

The phrase “meditating is good for you” isn’t new information. I am sure you have heard it countless times from your girlfriends, from this community, … Read More

Blog | Dec, 28 2021

2022: Resolve To Be The (Healthy) Change

2022 is for Healthy Goals. “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” Mahatma Gandhi. Resolve to make 2022 the year … Read More

Blog | Jun, 21 2021

Feeling Like the Lone Ranger? Community and Coaching May Be What You Need


When you are on a healing journey, there is a lot to think about. Whether you have just been diagnosed with Breast Cancer, have been … Read More