Does this Healing Journey feel Lonely and Scary at times? 

You don't have to Feel Like the Lone Ranger!

Let's Conquer Cancer Together!

Connecting with other women who are on the same path as you can be like wind beneath your wings!

Let's do this Together!

Join me as I Host a Panel of Experts who will Share their Knowledge & Insights about Healing

Dr. V has personally conquered Breast Cancer twice, which gives her an empathetic perspective to understand other women facing a healing journey. Her signature process has empowered thousands of women in over 59 countries around the world. Her mission is to "save lives, one breast at a time." 

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers -

Founder of Breast Cancer Conqueror®

Trina Felber

Trina Felber is the Founder and CEO of Primal Life Organics. As a registered nurse with a masters degree in anesthesia, Trina disrupted the beauty industry and exposed the hyper-toxic personal care products poisoning us by Big Cosmo. She started her natural dental and skincare company in 2008 and puts her “nurse’s care” into every product she makes.  She has made the Inc. 5000 list 5 years in a row and has been featured in Dr. Oz, Paleo Magazine, ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox Affiliates and on hundreds of podcasts worldwide.

Trina Felber-

Founder and CEO - Primal Life Organics

Dr Shel

Dr. Shelena C. Lalji, founder of Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center, is a board certified OB/GYN with extensive experience in functional medicine, aesthetics, and alternative treatments. 

In October 2019, Dr. Shel was diagnosed with breast cancer. She addressed this head on not only as a patient, but a woman’s and patient advocate. She researched and identified the best integrative modalities for cancer, all of which she used to treat not only herself but also hundreds of others.

Dr. Shelena C. Lalji -

Founder - Dr. Shel Wellness & Aesthetic Center

Alan Hopkins

Dr. Alan Hopkins is the CEO of YourLabWork, llc. and a board-certified Emergency Medicine physician, anti-aging expert and consultant to companies specializing in advanced biomarker testing.  

With extensive experience in endocrinology (hormones), disease prevention and laboratory medicine, Dr. Hopkins started YourLabwork because he strongly believes that access to affordable and comprehensive bloodwork plays a vital role in preventative health care.

Dr. Alan Hopkins -


Nat Kringoudis

Nat Kringoudis is a two time best selling Author, two times podcast host, and all-round women’s health and natural fertility practitioner. She founded Melbourne’s home of natural health, The Pagoda Tree, where she has helped over 20,000 women rescue their hormones and reclaim their best life. Nat’s mission is to educate and empower women just like you, so you can get clued up on your body and take control of your hormone health. 

Natalie Kringoudis - 

Women's Health & Natural Fertility Practitioner

Mary Beth Gonzalez

Mary Beth Gonzalez is widow of Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez. Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez M.D. (1947-2015) treated thousands of patients from around the world with The Gonzalez Protocol® - an individualized nutritional enzyme program based on the concept that different people thrive on different types of diets. 

Mary Beth founded The Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation a few months after Dr. Gonzalez died in 2015.  She proudly carries the torch for her late husband so that Dr. Gonzalez’s legacy of healing through nutrition is accessible to the world.

Mary Beth Gonzalez -

Founder - Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation

Christine Schaffner

Dr. Christine Schaffner is a board-certified Naturopathic Doctor who has helped thousands of people recover from chronic or complex illnesses. Dr. Schaffner goes beyond biological medicine, pulling from all systems of medicine and healing modalities–helping patients reclaim their wellness and reveal their brightest light.

 Patients travel from all around the world to reclaim their wellness using her Ecosystem & Terrain, Energy Analysis, Clear Blocks, Optimize Flow (EECO) methodology.

Dr. Christine Schaffner -

Naturopathic Physician

Mary Ayers

Mary Ayers PhD., is internationally recognized as a Solution Focused EFT Practitioner, author and speaker who specializes in helping professional women replace their fear and anxiety with self confidence. For more than 30 years, Mary has worked with thousands of clients guiding them to identify core issues and release old pattern of anxiety that can get in the way of a thriving career  and then teaches them how to install the inner resources that lead to happiness, contentment, and success. 

Dr. Mary Ayers -

Coaching Specialist and Tapping Expert

Create NEW HABITS with a Proven System as we take a deep dive into the 7 Essentials System®

#1 Let Food Be Your Medicine

You Can Feed Your Body or You Can Feed the Cancer.

#2 Reduce Your Toxic Exposure

Why is Detox so Important when it Comes to Women's Health?

#3 Balance Your Energy

 Understand why YOUR Hormones do NOT Cause Cancer!

#4 Heal Your Emotional Wounds

Discover Tools to Help You Heal the "Emotional" Cancers.

#5 Embrace Biological Dentistry

How Does your Oral Health Affect Your Breast Health?

#6 Repair Your Body With Therapeutic Plants

What are the Most Powerful Therapies to Boost your Immune System?

#7 Adopt Very Early Detection

Discover all the "Outside the Box" Tests and Bloodwork that can Keep you on Track.

A women's retreat that inspires, informs and transforms you!

At this Virtual Retreat,
You will leave with CLARITY for your Health Journey
You will leave with a PLAN on paper that I will help you create
You will go from:

  • Doubt to Hope
  • Scared to Supported
  • Confused to Confident
  • Overwhelmed to Empowered

From going it alone to having the power of this community around you!

Dr. Veronique Desaulniers

I have been in the trenches just like you ...

I have lived the healing journey....twice! 

Founder, Breast Cancer Conqueror ®

 My heart is full of gratitude for all you do. I feel empowered and ready to move forward 

J.R. California

I am not alone any longer. It was great to connect with women from all over the world who are on the same path

T.P United Kingdom

I felt motivated to take ACTION! Now I can move forward with each Essential

Y.D. Canada

You will get to connect with other like-minded women. Even though this is a Virtual Retreat, you will have the opportunity to "meet and chat" with other like-minded women.

You will receive access to all the recordings and ACTION Plans to help you create YOUR specific protocol for YOUR healing journey.

Connection and Community are an Important Part of a Healing Journey.

In the past 10 years my team and I have coached women in 59 countries around the world about their goals of attaining vibrant health.

I noticed that there was a common thread among them:

  • They were confused, frustrated and overwhelmed about the maze of information out there concerning Breast Cancer.
  • They were not progressing as quickly as they anticipated, even though they were juicing and taking supplements.
  • They were searching for a step by step program that kept them accountable and motivated to reach their goal.
  • They wanted to see measurable results with their programs, but they were not sure what to look for.
  • They often felt alone and wished they had other women they could connect with to share their feelings and thoughts about their healing journey.

Do any of these sound like YOU?

This is what you can expect at the

Conquering Cancer Together! virtual retreat

  • Discover the many ways to heal and reverse Cancer
  • Empowering presentations from Dr. V and 7 amazing experts who have helped thousands regain their health.
  • Every day, you will get to create YOUR personal Action Plan – no more guessing and being frustrated about what steps to take next.
  • Discover KEY principles to help you become a Conqueror!

"Heal Your Heart" Educational Video Series

We will have fun....even though this is a Virtual Retreat, you will have the opportunity to "meet" other like-minded women.

More than 500 women from 25 countries joined us for the last virtual retreat

Here is what some of them had to say:

  • Dr. V delivered more than I expected. it was so enlightening, and I learned so much! S.N. New Mexico
  • There are not many options for creating good health where I live in Niger, Africa. This retreat was just what I needed. L.T. Niger, Africa
  • I was feeling so alone and disconnected after my diagnosis. It was comforting to connect with other women who understood what I was going through. C.K. United Kingdom 
  • Even though I had to get up in the wee hours of the morning to attend, I was so happy that I did. I got so much value from the retreat! I feel energized again. D. R. Australia 

Whether You Choose a Conventional Approach or a Natural Approach, or a Combination of Both,  

We are Here to Support You

Our Team Truly Cares and We Want YOU to Succeed!

Event Details

March 7 to March 10, 2022

Starts Promptly every Morning at 11:00 AM EST to 2:00 PM  EST (New York)

Sessions will be recorded and available for an unlimited time

What you will need:

Computer (Desktop or Laptop), Tablet or Smartphone with an Internet Connection

Notebook or journal to take notes

    • YES! I am Ready to Reach my Health Goals!

    Regular Price $97

    PLUS You receive a $97 value Bonus with Access to "Heal Your Heart" educational video series, which will be provided when the "Conquering Cancer Together!" recordings are provided

    I am 100% confident that you will be satisfied with the program. You may request a 100% refund any time up until and including Day 1, March 7st , midnight EST. No questions asked!
