Cruciferous Vegetables Dramatically Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

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Blog | Jun, 04 2013

Cruciferous Vegetables Dramatically Reduce Your Breast Cancer Risk

No matter how hard we try to eat organically and live clean, we are surrounded by environmental toxins that increase our cancer risk. On the macro level, we are exposed to radiation from cell towers, satellites, and radio towers. The air we breathe is loaded with toxic emissions from cars and trucks. Pesticides and herbicides are everywhere.

Take it closer to home and there are the hundreds of chemicals that we are exposed to from furniture, cleaning products, tap water, artificial candles, and sprays. Bring it even closer and the average person is exposed to over 150 chemicals using body care products alone. Lastly, our internal environment, our body, can be loaded with toxins from parasites, bacteria, and fungal invasions. And the list gets longer….

Most of these chemicals impede our detoxification pathways and can ultimately lead to DNA damage and cancer. Although you can’t protect your body from the onslaught of chemicals, you can equip your body with the tools it needs to identify the toxins and remove them from the body BEFORE they cause damage.

Thankfully, Mother Nature has supplied us with the best natural detoxifiers on the planet: Cruciferous Vegetables. They optimize our Phase II detoxification system in the liver, which helps to neutralize the effect of these foreign chemicals on our DNA.

In fact, following a diet high in healthy oils, certain fruits, and plenty of cruciferous vegetables can reduce your Breast Cancer risk by 60%-70%.

Here is a list of the most common cruciferous vegetables:

Arugula                              Kale

Bok Choy                          Parsnipscruciferous.jpg 2

Broccoli                             Radishes

Brussels sprouts                Turnips

Cabbage                            Watercress

Cauliflower                         Wasabi

These cruciferous vegetables have been shown to control cancer’s “On and off” switch in Breast Cancer.  But the most powerful cancer-fighting component, glucosinolate, is found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts. These turn on protective genes, encourage cancer cell death, and turn off the genes that tend to promote cancer.

It is important to note that it is best to eat these raw since cooking can destroy the healthy nutrients. Rather than trying to eat bowls of raw cruciferous vegetables, you can order raw Broccoli Sprouts that are extremely potent. A very potent and clean source of Sulforaphane from Broccoli Sprouts is found in a product called Calibr8.   Inspired by clinical research and recent advances in the exciting fields of Nutrigenomics and Epigenetics, Calibr8 activates the most potent antioxidant and detoxification enzymes known to science: primary antioxidants. Essentially, it’s nutrition communicating with your genes. 

DIM is a component of cruciferous vegetables. It is specifically powerful for balancing estrogen metabolites. As your liver breaks down estrogen, it is important that the proper ratios of specific estrogens be maintained: decrease the more aggressive estrogens and increase the protective estrogen. If you struggle with estrogen dominance and are concerned with the effect of environmental estrogens, DIM  supplementation may be warranted. An excellent source of DIM can be found in my store.

Be proactive with prevention by eating organic food as much as possible and include cruciferous vegetables and their caner-fighting components as part of your daily diet.